Sunday, August 23, 2009

It was too late for another scent was in his nostrils and in his blood and brain. He spent that whole night howling at the door. Nobody.

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Ghosts were foolishness; just fears made visible. But the possibility of Henessey's suicide made more sense to Redman. He pressed on with his argument. 'So where did Lacey get this story from about Henessey's death? It's a funny thing to invent. ' She deigned to look up her face drawn up into itself like a snail in its shell. 'Fertile imaginations are par for the course here. If you heard the tales I've got on tape: the exoticism of some of them would blow your head open. ' 'Have there been suicides here?' 'In my time?' She thought for a moment pen poised. 'Two attempts. Neither I think intended to succeed. Cries for help. ' 'Was Henessey one?' She allowed herself a little sneer as she shook her head. 'Henessey was unstable in a completely different direction. He thought he was going to live forever. That was his.
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